Living in a Trustworthy Cyberspace
A Tutorial by Roberto Baldoni
Dean, School of Engineering in Computer Science, Sapienza University
Director, Sapienza Research Center for Cyber Intelligence and Information Security
Ensuring the trustworthiness of the cyberspace of an organization is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary problem. It includes, among other things, protection of the information and communication assets of an organization from cyber threats and from possible insiders. This protection is required to work on all time axes (present, past, and future), analyzing and correlating events occurring inside and outside of the organization in order to track the source of an intrusion, to have a current operational picture, and to predict new vulnerabilities. This tutorial will look at some of the technical and legal requirements of such problems and then will analyze the computational models necessary for ensuring such protection, including big data analysis, clouds, and social networks. Examples will be discussed and analyzed.