Preliminary Program — Tuesday

Preliminary program for Monday, 24th June.

Tuesday, 25 June

Time Dependable Computing and Communications Symposium Performance and Dependability Symposium
Plenary Session
 8:15 - 9:00 Welcome Address
 9:00 -10:30 Keynote Address 1.
Ken Birman: Adapting High Assurance Distributed Computing Techniques for Cloud-Scale Settings
10:30-11:00 Break
DCCS: Clouds We Can Trust PDS: Operating Systems Security
11:00 -12:30 CloudPD: Problem Determination and Diagnosis in Shared Dynamic Clouds
B. Sharma, P. Jayachandran, A. Verma, C. Das
DRIP: A Framework for Purifying Trojaned Kernel Drivers
Z. Gu, W. N. Sumner, Z. Deng, X. Zhang, D. Xu
Mitigating Access-Driven Timing Channels in Clouds using StopWatch
P. Li, D. Gao, M. Reiter
SPECTRE: A Dependable Introspection Framework via System Management Mode
F. Zhang, K. Leach, K. Sun, A. Stavrou
EagleEye: Towards Mandatory Security Monitoring in Virtualized Datacenter Environment
Y-S. Wu, P-K. Sun, C-C. Huang, S-F. Lai, Y-Y. Chen, S-J. Lu
Manipulating Semantic Values in Kernel Data Structures: Attack Assessments and Implications
A. Prakash, E. Venkataramani, H. Yin, Z. Lin
12:30-14:00 Lunch
DCCS: Debugging and Diagnosis PDS: Stochastic Modeling Techniques
14:00 -15:30 Why is My Smartphone Slow? On The Fly Diagnosis of Poor Performance on Mobile Internet
C. Amrutkar, M. Hiltunen, T. Jim, K. Joshi, O. Spatscheck, P. Traynor, S. Venkataraman
A Logic for Model-Checking Mean-Field Models
A. Kolesnichenko, A. Remke, P.-T. de Boer, B. Haverkort
Lightweight Message Tracing for Debugging Wireless Sensor Networks
V. Sundaram, P. Eugster
Lumpability of Fluid Models with Heterogeneous Agent Types
G. Iacobelli, M. Tribastone
Automating the Debugging of Datacenter Applications with ADDA
C. Zamfir, G. Altekar, I. Stoica
Fitting Second-Order Acyclic Marked Markovian Arrival Processes
A. Sansottera, G. Casale, P. Cremonesi
15:30-16:00 Break
DCCS: Distributed Dependability PDS: Virtualization
16:00 -17:30 Fault Detection and Localization in Distributed Systems using Invariant Relationships
A. Sharma, H. Chen, M. Ding, K. Yoshihira, G. Jiang
SIDE: Isolated and Efficient Execution of Unmodified Device Drivers
Y. Sun, T. Chiueh
Increasing Network Resiliency by Optimally Assigning Diverse Variants to Routing Nodes
A Newell, D. Obenshain, T. Tantillo, C. Nita-Rotaru, Y. Amir
Security Implications of Memory Deduplication in a Virtualized Environment
J. Xiao, Z. Xu, H. Huang. H. Wang
Distal: A Framework for Implementing Fault-tolerant Distributed Algorithms
M. Biely, P. Delgado, Z. Milosevic, A. Schiper
State-Of-The-Practice in Data Center Virtualization: Toward a Better Understanding of VM Usage
R. Birke, A. Podzimek, L. Y. Chen and E. Smirni
17:30 -19:30 Birds of a Feather Sessions

Preliminary program for Wednesday, 26th June.
Preliminary program for Thursday, 27th June.